Filing a Motion Index
This practice session will take you through the 11 pages required to file an motion with attachments. If this is your first time, we suggest you go through all the steps and click on the continue button. If you are already familiar with the CM/ECF application and would like to go to a specific page, click on the appropriate link below. If, during the tutorial, you wish to return to this index page, click on the "Index" link in the top right part of the page.

In this practice session, you are Amani Glover, attorney for the plaintiffs in Hodges et al v. Sun Resorts Inc et al (00-cv-99999-JUD). You are filing a motion for summary judgment. Included with the motion will be an exhibit.
Steps for Filing a Motion
1. Opening Screen 5. Select Parties 9. Review Draft Docket Text
2. Select the Civil Event 6. Attaching a PDF File 10. Review Final Docket Text
3. Select Type of Motion 7. Selecting Attachments 11. Receipt
4. Select Case Number 8. Set Hearing Date